Sunday 23 June 2013

Google Glass May be Available by the End of the Year

You could call it supershades, smart glasses, or every geek’s dream. But however you classify Glass, you have to admit, it’s pretty awesome. And sooner than expected, interested consumers will be able to sport their hi-tech headgear, and share their live,  first person experiences with the world.  Product director of Google Glass, Steve Lee revealed to The VergeGoogle’s plan to have the product available for purchase by the end of this year. The price is promised to be under $1500 at release.

Google Glass May be Available by the End of the Year

Glass creates a new way to connect life with your social networks

Most of you may try to share important or exciting aspects of your life on your social networks. When you take pictures or even videos of vacations or outings, you might eventually download them, way after the event is over. But, your attempt usually doesn’t fully portray your experience when you must always stop what you are doing and dig out your device to take a picture.
Glass is a refreshingly original idea that layers augmented reality with real life. It allows user to simply talk to the glasses to share live videos and photos, interact with social networks, utilize location based GPS, and access the vast amount of Google’s knowledge, all while keeping your hands and eyes trained on your projects and activities.
The wearable computer is compatible with your Android or iPhone and will be available in multiple colors. Also, Google may have plans to create other designs of the headwear, according to a patent of Glass that went public this week.
Who can get one early?
Pre-orders for the Glass Explorer’s Edition were available to developers during their conference last year, and they are expecting to receive their device early this year.
Don’t want to wait until the end of the year? Selective pre-orders are available for those who are will work for it. It will cost you $1500 and a description of what you will do with your glass. For more information, check out Glass
Will you start saving now?
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