Friday 10 August 2012

 By: S.Qutub Ali Shah

Structural geology is the study of architecture and geometry of the earth surface, developed as result of deformation.


The word “structure” is derived from Latin word “Struere”, which means - to build. Structure is any shape or form having dimensions.


It is a vector quantity that changes or tends to produce the change in state of the body. Force is defined by its magnitude and direction.
An Unbalanced force is one that causes a change in the motion of the body.
Balanced forces exist where no change in motion occurs.
Most problems confronting the structural geologists may be analyzed by assuming balance forces because the velocity of rock bodies is so small that acceleration is negligible. Along faults, however, the motion causing earthquakes may be so rapid that acceleration is important.

Units of measurements:

Various systems are adopted to measure the physical quantities, such as MKS, CGS, BES and SI systems. The unit of measurement of force in MKS and SI system is same which called NEWTON.
1 Newton is defined as unbalanced force that will give a mass of 1 kilogram an acceleration of 1 meter per second per second.       
The unit of measurement of force in CGS system is DYNE.
1 Dyne is defined as when a force accelerates the object of mass 1 gram, 1 cm per second per second is called 1 dyne.       
The unit of measurement of force in BES system is POUNDAL.
1 Poundal is defined as when a mass of 1 pound accelerated 1 foot per second per second, the force that accelerate the body is said to be 1 poundal.

Composition and resolution of force     

Force may be represented by a vector that is a line oriented in the direction in which the force is operating and proportional in the length to the intensity of the force. Two or more forces can operate in different direction at a point as shown in figure, where OX and OY act at O. the same result would be produced by the force OZ acting in the direction indicated; OZ is the resultant of OZ and OY. A resultant is the single force that produces the same result as two or more forces, and it may be represented by the diagonal of the parallelogram constructed on two arrows that represent the two forces. The equilibrant is the force necessary to balance the two or more forces. OW is the force necessary to balance OX and OY or OZ. it is equal to the resultant of the two forces, but acts in the opposite direction. The process of finding the resultant of two or more forces is called the composition of force.
The effect of a single force may be considered in terms of two or more forces that would produce the same result. In the figure shown below, OY and OZ would produce the same result as OX. A single force may thus be resolved into two components, acting in defined directions by constructing a parallelogram, the diagonal of which have the directions of the components. The process of finding the components of a single force is called the resolution of force.

Litho static or confining pressure

Rocks in the lithosphere, because of the weight of rocks lie above them are subjected to a kind of pressure. This type of pressure is called litho static pressure. In experimental works, the equal, all sided pressure on solids is called the confining pressure. The litho static pressure increase with depth, increase in litho static pressure causes a decrease in the volume of rock but increase in the density.


The mutual action and reaction along a surface or plane between two bodies is called stress. Uniform stress describes the situation where the stress is equal in all direction, such as stress on a body immersed in a liquid or gas. Uniform stress in rock is also called confining stress because any rock body in the lithosphere is confined by the rocks around it and is uniformly stressed by the weight of surrounding rocks.
Compressive Stress: The stress which tends to push together the material on opposite sides of the plane is called the compressive stress.
Tensile Stress: The stress which tends to pull apart the material on opposite sides of the plane.
Stress Difference: The algebraic difference between the greatest stress and the least stress at any point is called the stress difference.


Strain is defined as the change in size or shape or both in a solid as a result of stress. Strain may be dilation and distortion.
Dilation: It is the type of strain, occurs when the volume of the body changed but not the shape. When there is a change in the confining pressure, an isotropic body will change in volume, but not in shape. With increasing confining pressure volume of the body decreases and the dilation is negative. With decrease of the confining pressure, volume of the body increases and dilation is positive.
Distortion: It is the change in shape of the body or both the volume and shape, because of applied stress. Under directed stresses distortion occurs, which tends to change the shape or size or both of the solid body.

Stages of deformation

If any object is subjected to some force, it will respond in three ways to the applied forces that are called the stages of deformation. These three stages of deformation are described below.
Elastic Deformation: If the applied forces are removed, the body will return to its original size and shape. This type of deformation is called the elastic deformation.
Plastic Deformation: Any object has its own strength to resist deformation and overcome the effect of applied force which is called elastic limit. If the applied force exceeds the elastic limit, the object starts to deform plastically. A plastic deformation is one in which the specimen does not return to its original size and shape after the removal of force but to an extent it tries to return in its original state.
Rupture: When there is a continuous increase in the stress, the fractures developed in the object and it fails by rupture. Rupture is the permanent deformation.

Mohr’s circle of stress:

The relation between stress and rupture may be determined graphically by Mohr’s circle of stress.
Consider a cylinder, the ends of which are subjected under confining pressure hence compressed. Thus the greatest principle stress axis is σ1 is parallel to the axis of the cylinder, whereas σ2 and σ3 are equal.
The figure is the plot of Mohr’s circle of stress. The origin is at O, the vertical axis is shearing stress. The value of the confining pressure σ3 and compressive stress σ1 are plotted on the horizontal axis. The stress difference is (σ1 - σ3). A circle is drawn through σ3 and σ1 with the centre on horizontal axis, the centre of the circle is (σ1 + σ3 /2), and the radius is (σ1 - σ3 / 2).
Assume a plane making an angle ϴ with the greatest principle stress axis. The line cl is plotted to make an angle 2ϴ with the horizontal axis, 2ϴ is plotted clockwise from the horizontal axis. This line cuts the circle at l. The co-ordinate of l, which are Ʈ/ and n/, give the shearing and normal stresses on the plane.
On a plane parallel to the greatest principle stress axis (2ϴ=0), the normal stress across the plane is σ3 and the shearing stress is 0. If the plane makes an angle of 45o with the greatest principle stress axis (2ϴ = 90o) the shearing stress is at maximum and the normal stress is (σ1 + σ3 /2). If the plane makes an angle of 90o with the greatest principle stress axis (2ϴ = 180o), the shearing stress is 0 and the normal stress is σ1.
Normal stress n/ = σ1 + σ3 /2 - σ1 - σ3 / 2 Cos 2ϴ
Shearing stress Ʈ/  = σ1 - σ3 / 2 sin 2ϴ


Undulations or wrinkles present in stratified rocks on the surface of earth are called folds. Some folds are miles of across, the width of others is to be measured in feet or inches or even fractions of inch. The size of exposure determines the size of folds. Folds of many thousands of feet may be observed in the areas of high relief, whereas the exposures are small, folds of few feet or tens of feet across may be observed.

Parts of fold


The hinge of a fold is the line of maximum curvature in a folded bed. It is characterized by orientation and position. There is a hinge for each bed. The hinge may be horizontal, inclined or vertical.

Axial Plane:

The axial plane is the surface connecting all the hinges. It may be simple plane or curved plane. It also may be horizontal, inclined or vertical.


The axis is a line parallel to the hinge. It is the straight line moving parallel to itself that generate the fold.


The sides of folds are called limbs of fold. A limb extends from the axial in one fold to the axial plane in the next.


The line connecting the highest points on the same bed in an infinite number of cross sections is called crest. There is a separate crest for each bed. The plane or surface formed by all the crests is called the crestal plane.


The trough is the line occupying the lowest part of the fold or the line connecting the lowest parts of the same bed in an infinite number of cross section.  The plane connecting such lines may be called the trough plane.

Nomenclature of folds


The word is driven from Greek word which means “opposite inclined” referring to the fact that in the simplest anticline the two limbs dip away from each other. It may be defined as a fold that is convex upward, or the fold that has older rock in the centre or core. But the term has also been extended to folds such as that where two limbs dip in the same direction at different angles, but the older rocks are at the centre.


The word is driven from Greek word which means “together inclined” referring the fact that in the simplest synclines the dip towards each other. In general the syncline is defined as a fold that is concave downward, with the younger rocks lies at the centre.

Symmetrical Folds:

The fold whose axial plane is vertical with horizontal surface is called the symmetrical fold.

Asymmetrical Fold:

In the asymmetrical fold the axial plane is inclined, makes an angle with the horizontal surface.

Overturned Fold:

In these types of folds the axial plane is inclined and both limbs dip in the same direction usually at different angles. The overturned, inverted or reversed limb is the one that has been rotated through more than 90 to attain its present attitude. The normal limb is the one that is right side up.

Recumbent Fold:

A recumbent fold is that in which the axial plane is essentially horizontal. The strata in the inverted limb are usually much thinner than the corresponding beds in the normal limb. The term arch-bend has been used for the curved part of the fold between the normal and inverted limbs. The recumbent fold is composed of entirely one kind of rock, the term core and shell may be used to refer the inner and outer parts of the fold respectively. Many recumbent folds have subsidiary recumbent anticlines attached to them; these subsidiary folds may be called digitations.

Isoclinals Fold:

As the term self explanatory that a fold whose limbs are dipping in equal angles in the same direction. The vertical isoclinals fold is one whose axial plane is vertical. If the axial plane is inclined or horizontal, the fold said to be inclined isoclinals fold of horizontal isoclinals fold.

Chevron Folds:

The fold in which the hinges are sharp and angular is called chevron fold.

Box Fold:

The folds in which the crest is broad and flat, two hinges are present, one on the either side of the crest, are called box fold.

Fan Folds:

A fan fold is one in which both limbs are overturned. In the anticlinal fan fold, the two limbs dip towards each other; in the synclinal fan fold the two limbs dip away from each other.

Monocline Fold:

The term monocline fold refers to the folds that dip uniformly in one direction.

Closed Fold:

It is also called tight fold. In these folds the deformation has been sufficiently intense to cause flowage of the more mobile beds so that these beds thicken and thin. Oppositely the open folds are those where flowage has not taken place.

Drag Folds:

Drag folds form when a competent or strong bed slides past an incompetent or weak bed. Such minor folds may form on the limbs of large folds because of the slipping of beds past each other, or they may develop beneath overthrust blocks. The axial plane of the drag folds are not perpendicular to the bedding of the competent strata, but are inclined at some angle. Such structural features may develop during sedimentation, when a sheet of sediment slides over a weaker bed. 

Plunging Folds:

The folds whose limbs plunge at a certain length are called plunging folds.
Dome: It is the type of fold in which limbs dip away from each other in all direction at the same amount.
Basin: It is a structural feature in which all the limbs dip towards each other from all directions at the same amount.

Dynamics of the folding

Dynamics of the folding concerned with the problem of temperature and pressure at which folding occurs, as well as the stress and time involved. Folding takes place under a wide range of temperature and pressure. Folded moraines on mountain glaciers demonstrate that folding may occur at low temperature and pressure.
During the fold dynamics, the initial material supposed to be consists of one or more horizontal layers with mechanical properties differing from those of the medium in which it is embedded. At a first approximation we consider folding to be an elastic phenomenon. For a plate embedded in an elastic medium of infinite thickness,
λ= 2πh   √E/6Eo --------------------------- (1)
σ= 3/2 √E Eo 1/6 --------------------------- (2)
Where λ is the wavelength of the fold, h is the thickness of the plate, E is young’s modulus of the plate, Eo is young’s modulus of the medium, σ is the stress to cause the folding.
Similar equations consider cases where the enclosing medium is of finite thickness and other cases where several competent layers are present. Equation (1) can be also written as:
λ/h = 2π √E/6Eo
This is the ratio of the wavelength of the fold to the thickness of the beds, is constant if the ratio of the module of elasticity is a constant.
The basic assumption that folding can be treated as an elastic phenomenon is generally unjustified. Folding is the result of permanent deformation.


Faults are ruptures in the rocks, along which the opposite walls have moved past each other.
The essential feature is differential movement parallel to the surface of the fracture. Some faults are only a few inches long, and the total displacement is measured in fraction of inches, and other faults are hundreds of miles long with a displacement measured in miles and even tens of miles.

Geometrical classification of the faults

Classification Based On Fault Pattern:

Parallel Fault: The faults have essentially the same dip and strike; belong to the set of parallel faults. If the strikes are the same and dips are different, the faults are assigned to two or more sets of parallel faults.
En Echelon Faults: The faults that are relatively short and overlap each other, called as en echelon faults.
Peripheral Faults: The circular or arcuate faults that bound a area or part of the circular area.
Radial Faults: The faults that belong to a system of faults that radiate out from a point.

Genetic classification of the faults

The most satisfactory genetic classification is based on the nature of the relative movement along the fault.

Thrust Fault:

These are the faults along which the hanging wall has moved up relative to the foot wall. Thrust faults indicate the shortening of the rocks involved. Three categories are recognized depending upon the angle at which fault took place.
Reverse Fault: The thrust fault that dips at the angle of more than 45o.
Thrust Fault: The fault that dips at the angle of less than 45o.
Overthrust Fault: The fault that dip at the angle less than 10o.

Normal Fault:  

The type of the fault in which hanging wall block has moved downward relative to the foot wall is called the normal fault. A detachment fault is a special category of low angle normal faults.

Strike Slip Fault:

These are also called wrench faults, in which displacement has been essentially parallel to the strike of the fault.

Criteria for faults

There are five main criteria on which faults are identified in the field. They are:

Slickenside or Striations:

Linear impressions produced by movement of fault blocks are called slickenside or striations. They also show the direction of hanging wall.


The angular and of different sized rock fragments present in any field are also the sign of faults. They may be produced during the faulting.


This is the powder like material of rocks produced during the movement of fault blocks.

Repetition or Omission of Beds:

Fault blocks move upward or downward. During the field if repetition of beds observed, or some beds are missing, that means the fault is present here.


The rocks are broken by relatively smooth fractures along which no any displacement occurred, these fractures are called joints.
Joints are of different sizes and shapes, some joints are measured in inches and other in several feet. Although most joints are planes but some are curved surfaces. Initially all the joints are tight fractures, but because of the weathering the joints enlarged into an open fissure. Joints may have any attitude, some joints are vertical, other horizontal and still others inclined.
Characteristically a large number of joints are parallel consists of joint set. A joint system consists of two or more joint sets.

Geometrical classification of joints

In a geometrical classification, the joints may be classified on the basis of their attitude relative to the bedding or some similar structure in the rocks that they cut.
Strike Joints: The joints that strike parallel or essentially parallel to the strike of the bedding of sedimentary rocks, or metamorphic structures in metamorphic rocks are called the strike joints.
Dip Joints: The joints that strike parallel or essentially parallel to the direction in which the bedding dips are called dip joints.
Oblique Or Diagonal Joints: The joints that striking in a direction that lies between the strike and dip of the associated rock are called the oblique or diagonal joints.

Bedding Joints: The joints that are parallel to the bedding of the concerned rock are called bedding joints.


It is defined as “the surface of erosion or non-deposition that separates the younger strata from older rocks is called unconformity”.
Unconformity developed as a result of uplifting and sub-aerial erosion of rocks that exist before followed by the deposition of new sediments after a temporal break of time.
The relief of unconformities is different in different areas, depending upon the time between uplifting and erosion and re-deposition. In some localities the older rocks were reduced to an extensive amount because of long time of exposition. In other localities, only a mature stage in the erosion cycle was reached before the younger rocks began to deposit.

Kinds of unconformities:

Depending upon the attitude of the unconformities, rocks involved and tectonic history, there are four types of unconformities.

Angular Unconformity:

As the term implies that there is an angle between the older rock and younger strata. Or angular unconformity is defined as the “type of unconformity in which younger strata deposits over the tilted older rocks”.


It is the type of unconformity in which the formations on opposite sides of the unconformity are parallel. A Disconformity covers a large area and represents a considerable interval of time.

Local Unconformity:

As the name implies, it is distinctly local in extent and time involved is short.


The type of unconformity in which younger strata deposited at older igneous or metamorphic rocks is called non-conformity.

Identification of unconformities

Unconformities can be identified on the basis of two main evidences. These are:

Lateritic Bed or Oxidized Layer:

It is the red or brown in color bed produced during the unconformable period. As the oceanic water regretted and rock beds exposed to terrestrial environment, the atmospheric oxygen started to react with rock minerals in the presence of sunlight and several other environmental factors. Hence looks as red or red to brown in color.

Fossils or Paleontological Evidences:

If we could not see any lateritic bed then we study the fossils of rock beds. If we found a sudden change in the fossils between two beds it means unconformity is present.

Change in Color:

If there is a sharp contrast in color between the rocks above and below the contact, it shows the unconformity.

Presence of Surface of Erosion between Rocks:

Unconformities are much more evident from presence of eroded and uneven surface between two rock units, one is older and other is younger.


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